It is a virtue to be humble. But, it is rare to find someone who is truly humble. Since man can only look on the outward, it is impossible to tell whether someone is humble. Of course, we can act or pretend, but are we truly humble? I have realized that I am not humble, even when I try to be. Recently, I read a Psalm which described what being humble is like, and I think this hits the mark:
O Jehovah, my heart is not proud,Nor are my eyes haughty;Nor do I go about in things too greatOr too wondrous for me.Surely I have calmed And quieted my soul,Like a weaned child with its mother;Like a weaned child is my soul within me.Hope in Jehovah, O Israel,From now and to eternity.--Psalm 131
When I was young, this was what I was like. Now that I remembered it, I was more humble then, when I did not know that I should be humble, and did not try to be, than now, when I know I should be humble, and try so hard to be, but inevitably fail. Perhaps it is already too late to have to try to be humble. Perhaps someone who is truly humble is not even conscious that he is humble. Like a child with his mom. Just simple and quiet.
Written on November 26, 2011