It's been 9 years since I started working full-time. The day I started working was memorable because it was the day after Memorial Day. At the time, I was young and lost. I knew the direction I wanted to go in because I had just been derailed from the path I was previously going on. I was at a crossroads, with the choice of either trying to get back onto the path I was previously going on, of being a full-time serving one, bringing Jesus to people, to go back to school to study, or to commit to going down a new path, that of a steady full-time job. Inwardly, I knew that the new path was one that I would succeed in. Combined with getting accepted to graduate school, I decided to work full-time while going to school part-time for a master's degree. and so that was that.
Here I am, 9 years later. The Lord has really blessed me during this time. I had steady work, and hence, a steady income, except for 2 months, during which I took a involuntary break. I've progressed in my career, doing something I enjoy doing. Unlike some other people, I still enjoy it. Life has been comfortable. Not excessive, but more than enough for my needs, and my most intense wants.
Of course, not everything has been positive. As my life got more comfortable, I no longer needed to hustle like I used to do. After getting my master's degree, I really started to take things easier. Then, I started eating out and drinking. Then, I started socializing more. While, I think I've learned a lot from all my experiences, I don't think some of these experiences were that productive. Also, they made saving money a lot more difficult. And then I had enough drama for a lifetime. Whew, that was rough.
When I look back, I think I had the right idea. I could've fallen off, and things could've been different, but I think I had the right mindset. I wonder what I will think when I look back again in a few years.
Written on May 28, 2019