As I reflected upon my website, and how to improve it, I realized that almost every one of my posts have been pretty depressing. No normal person enjoys reading about things that depress them, and even those who can tolerate it have a limit to which they can handle.
But, on the other hand, as I look around, there isn't much happy news. While things may be going well, apparently, but if I look a little bit below the surface, I am always disappointed. Thus, to write about superficial things is also unacceptable, and I will not violate my own principle by writing about these things.
At this point, the logical question is: well, if I am so hard to please, what would make me happy? In fact, one of my friends asked me this very question a little while ago. My answer, while brief, is still the only answer I can think of, and that is that the Lord would come back.
The reasoning behind my answer was not founded upon the concept that my life is so hard to live that I wish the Lord would come and take me away, because, honestly, my life is probably more comfortable than 90% of 90% of the human population out there, of people who ever lived.
To put things into perspective, as an aside. John D. Rockefeller did not have A/C. Abraham Lincoln did not have a Toyota Camry, Newton did not have the internet, Galileo did not have T.V., George Washington did not have ice cream, Julius Caesar did not have a microphone, etc. In addition, I live in the U.S., where everything is focused on convenience. I can get anything I want whenever I want (relatively to people in other parts of the world).
But, I wish the Lord would come back, because that would mean that there is a group of people on the earth who love Him, and seek Him, a group of people so precious to Him, that it will cause Him to stop waiting. When such a day comes, I believe that I will be truly satisfied, regardless of what my outward condition is. Besides this goal, what else matters?
Written on November 2, 2010