Well, this year is winding down, and I have been a solid member of the workforce for almost 7 months now. Work was the most challenging at the onset. Maybe it follows a sink or swim methodology: those who can survive will have no problems.
School had been toughest at the end of summer, and has since been a more enjoyable experience. Next semester, I am only taking one class. This starts on January 20th, so that leaves me with a month of relative quietness.
My plan is to redo my site, this time in Rails (yes, that critter that had me gawking a few months back; I am not alone, by the way: http://erratic.inkdeep.com/2006/10/17/joy-of-rubyzip/). I will include all the things I have learned on the job, to hopefully produce a site that is much better to use, and maybe prettier to look at, not that anyone actually uses it, except one other person besides me (that I know of so far).
On another note, I recently discovered (actually just an hour ago), how to redirect david-chang.net to www.david-chang.net. More information can be found here: http://www.bunkerhollow.com/blogs/matt/archive/2009/07/20/godaddy-domain-dyndns.aspx. I must say that it is pretty nice. I've been looking for this solution ever since I started about 9 months ago.
Finally, my domain name at david-chang.net is about to expire (in February). I have since moved over to david-chang.com, so for anyone out there, please be sure to update your bookmarks in case one day you find that david-chang.net is looking a bit strange. david-chang.com should be good for a year or so. If you don't want to keep changing the address, then go with davidchang.homedns.org. Yes, that is a lot to type out, which is why I got the shorter domain names. Anyways, we'll see how things turn out.
Written on December 20, 2010