Yesterday, I turned 30.  Being a teenager was ten years ago, and yesterday was the end of my twenties, the pinnacle of physical and mental strength.  This past decade spanned the decade with potentially the widest field of experiences I'll ever have.  

This decade started with me being a college student, eager to prove my worth and mettle to the world.  It was a time when I furiously strove to the best of my abilities, getting my Bachelor's degree before I was 22.  I studied hard, planned my classes, and had a healthy and sustainable attitude with regards to all things.  Also, it was a time when money mattered a lot, and frugality was esteemed.

After graduating, I went to the Full-Time Training in Anaheim, a "Bible school" of sorts.  I brought my drive there, and also strove to gain the most that I could.  Here, I experienced a regimented and restricted lifestyle.  In addition, I also gained valuable experiences in terms of public speech and social skills.  For the first time in my life, I was also spending more than $150 per month, which was a big deal.  Unfortunately, I feel that ultimately I was disappointed and disillusioned, and my time here marked the peak of my attitude with regards to spiritual things.

After two years being trained, I went back and found a job as a software developer.  That was the start of my working career, where my lifestyle and schedule would remain virtually unchanged until this very day.  The first two years were a little harder, as I still had some pent up energy in me, and decided to spend my extra time getting a Master's degree.  During this time, my expenses started piling up, as I would frequently buy things online.  At a certain point, empty delivery boxes started piling up in the living room.

After graduating, I changed to a job where I learned the importance of having a short commute.  It was also at this job, that I experienced for the first time being helpless at being productive.  However, as dark as this time was for my career, it was a bright spot in my social life, as I got to meet many good people, some of whom I remain in contact with.  My lifestyle started to creep, and expenses started to rise as I began to eat out more.  It was also during this time that I bought a new house, which I am still in the process of paying off.

At almost two years into this job, with no raises, I found another job, which, ironically, was in the same building complex as my first job.  I was back to being in an environment where my hands weren't tied, and I could be free to be productive.  This was the time in my career when my earnings skyrocketed.  I took a gamble on being a contractor.  When my employer converted me to full-time, they offered me an offer I couldn't refuse.  However, as is life, nothing is perfect.  A year into this job, and the team I was in got disbanded, we were dispersed, and the company was acquired.  For the next year, I took a step back, and simply focused on my work.  I continued to produce results which my team appreciated.  

Then, I landed my "dream job" - my dream job when I was growing up, up through my teenage years, and a little into my twenties.  I had woken up long ago, and had actually been quite happy without having my dream job.  But, sometimes, life is like that - full of irony.  My dream job came, and I accepted.  I only then remembered how I had longed to work here.  

Thus, these ten years have been amazing, and quite satisfactory.  I can't complain.  Life has generally been pleasant.  

There have been a few dark spots, two major ones of which happened this year.  One of my good friends, and brothers in the Lord left the church life.  I leaned heavily on him back in school, and respected him for being both a hard worker as well as a solid Christian.  The fact that he no longer believes still bewilders me.  Finally, another friend, and brother in the Lord, who, ironically, has his birthday on the same day as mine, went to be with the Lord three days ago.  He would've been 33 today.  I visited him the night before, and watching him being on life support, unconscious, it felt unreal.  He really seemed like he was just sleeping.  His hand was still warm.

Written on September 17, 2016
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