Work on this site has been steady. Now, most of the sections are working. Only two sections are still only floating around in my mind, waiting to be coded: Hobbies and Friends (guestbook).
The features of this site thus far:
I think I've reached a good stopping point. I will now be concentrating on finding a job.
The features of this site thus far:
- Journal entries - where I post general information about me, like this post right now
- Enjoyment entries - where I post my enjoyment in the word of God
- Hobbies - random bits of information (mostly hardware, software, anime-related) which may be useful if you are interested in the same things I am (also I am adding tutorials of doing various things)
- Notes - my old notes from 12th grade onward
- Guestbook - please drop by and let me know who is visiting this site
- About me - brief history about me and how this site came into being
- Picture gallery - pictures of me with different people in the different places I've been in
- Contact me - you can leave me a message
- Account registration - for users who would like to sign up to post comments
I think I've reached a good stopping point. I will now be concentrating on finding a job.
Updated on April 1, 2010