Well, it has been a month now that I've been working at this job. Here, we use Ruby, yet another language I had to pick up on the fly. Initially, I was quite bothered by its simplicity. In my experience it had been that the languages (MATLAB) that tried to simplify things for the developer ended up being too limited in functionality, and too inflexible to customize. On the other hand, there were languages, like C# which were so complicated and convoluted (probably intentionally implemented in this way by Microsoft, for the following reason) that it would be absurd to attempt to develop in it without Visual Studio (and those licenses are expensive). In both of these extremes, these languages completely failed in the goal of allowing the developer to get exactly what he (or she) wanted done in the most efficient manner.
Thus, in the past, I had been most comfortable with using Java and PHP, two languages that pretty much only required that you know so much about the style of the language, before you could dive in and write code to your heart's content, being limited only by your creativity and skills. Of course, you had to make sure that what you typed out was correct according to the strict structure of the language. That means what is wrong is wrong. You get exactly what you coded. This, I felt, was ideal.
Then, Ruby enters my life. It's been a month now, that I've been forced to deal with this language. Being skeptical of promises to "simplify" things, initially, I wasn't too enthusiastic about using this language. However, as things went on, Ruby has gradually grown on me. Ruby is a very different style from what I'm used to, that's for sure. But, for the first time, I'm experiencing something different, that's actually not bad. There's no trickery or hacking involved (there is, but not a whole lot) to try to get Ruby to do what my boss wanted it to do. Things actually do work most of the time, with a very small minority of those other times being bugs. And, of course, I stumbled across Mr. Neighborly's Humble Book on Ruby, which pretty much took away any aversion I once had towards this language, in a large part due to his intuitive presentation. A very positive point for me is that I do find Ruby's simplicity impressive. This language manages to make things simple without simultaneously making things complicated in order to make things simple, unlike some other languages (WPF) which I have had experience with.
If any one of you are interested in programming, I highly recommend Mr. Neighborly's book. It was a bit better than the one I started off with: Little Book of Ruby.
Now, I am starting to pick up Rails, and I like what I see so far. Once I get good at it, I may re-write this whole site, not that it matters to anyone besides me, because I don't think I have that many visitors, anyways.
Written on July 2, 2010