I just dug these up recently.  This was done by a group of us three kiddos back in my last year of high school.  The reason why I'm posting these up is first, for nostalgic kicks, and second, to test out a feature I just built into my site, to allow me to upload videos without having to hack my way around.  Here we go:

Positive Ad

Negative Ad

Background Info
So, little known facts are as follows.  Our team consisted of Mr. Fang (aka. Kenshin, Rain), Jason Tsay, and I.  As an ironic twist, we had Jason, being the nice fellow that he was, play the bad guy, and Mr. Fang, one with a dubious character, play the good guy.  I was the cameraman and voice over.  A few moments showed some goofy shots that we purposely kept in.  The filming was all done at Jason's house on one Saturday.  Ah, good times.  I must say, the editing done by Jason and I helped make it good, as it was probably one of the least effort film projects we worked on.  In addition, the soundtrack also helped immensely.  It actually gets you in the mood.  Credit goes to Armageddon.

The ads also relate to the big matters of the time.  The economy had not recovered, and Bush was doing his thing with huge tax breaks while fighting two wars, effectively using up all the surpluses of the previous administration. 
Written on January 13, 2013
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