The final video project that I still have with me (of the many film projects we did, the ones I have posted here are the only ones I still have). I believe this was 11th grade. We read a novel called, My Name is Asher Lev. Our job was to make a trailer. At the time, neither I nor Joe (my 2-member team team member) knew what a trailer was. Or, much rather, we knew what it was, but we didn't know it was called a trailer. At least, I didn't know it was called a trailer. For me, trailers were those big portable homes. As much as I could gather, we ended up getting the impression that it was a string of scenes. So, that's exactly how our trailer turned out. It was a string of scenes, which we thought were descriptive of the whole novel. My brother disagrees. But, anyways, as it turned out, it was first of all, kind of bad because of the mistaken concept, second of all, kind of bad because of the acting... but, at the time, we were pretty proud of it. And I still keep it as sort of a time machine to look back and see what I was like in High School, and to see how much (or how little) I've changed since then. Surprisingly little has changed, actually. Joe got a new hairstyle, and a bit wider, but... yeah. I've stayed almost exactly the same. Maybe not as shy anymore. As usual, the editing was done by me. I was usually the cameraman also, but Joe's brother, Leo, helped out when we both needed to be in the scene. Music is almost exclusively from Final Fantasy X. As usual, I've edited the original, and updated it, to be what I would've done had I known what a trailer was. Anyways. These videos may make you uncomfortable due to how bad they are. But. Here they are anyways.
Written on February 3, 2013