This week passed by like the wind. By the end of the week, I had shown up for my first day of work, got oriented, and got thrown into a whole new environment. Balancing my schedule proved to still need a little work, as I was so overextended that I became sick from Wednesday until Thursday night. I may have had a fever, because I felt cold (in the middle of summer, in Texas). In addition, my stomach didn't feel too good. Hopefully things will get better as I gradually work out my schedule. I'm busy enough now to where I need to keep a schedule, or else I might end up needing to be in two places at the same time.
Looking back, many things have changed since half a year ago, both outwardly and inwardly. I may have just taken the first step into something I will be doing for a long time to come.
Written on June 6, 2010