In the process of developing this site, I was amazed frequently to see the extent to which internet technology has developed. It was a shock for me to see how easily things can be done now, and impressive things, at that.
It has been almost one month since I first started developing this website. Throughout this time, I have learned how to host media (audio and video), display my scanned notes, and graph my personal finances (in private). These have all been hurdles in the past. But, standing on the shoulders of others, most notably those who developed the Dojo Toolkit, swfobject, flexplayer, and open-flash-chart, these goals have now been reached.
Having spent the last month engaging in this intellectual endeavor, I think that the aggressiveness of the development of this project has come to a conclusion. I will continue to resolve the bugs, but in general, I consider the majority of this project to be finished.
It has been almost one month since I first started developing this website. Throughout this time, I have learned how to host media (audio and video), display my scanned notes, and graph my personal finances (in private). These have all been hurdles in the past. But, standing on the shoulders of others, most notably those who developed the Dojo Toolkit, swfobject, flexplayer, and open-flash-chart, these goals have now been reached.
Having spent the last month engaging in this intellectual endeavor, I think that the aggressiveness of the development of this project has come to a conclusion. I will continue to resolve the bugs, but in general, I consider the majority of this project to be finished.
Written on March 2, 2010