This is just a list of notes, problems and solutions I encountered / found from creating a Rails 3 application, and getting it to run in Apache, on my new server. They are categorized by the aspect of the project they pertain to. Expect this list to grow, as I organize all the scattered links I visited.
CSS classes do not work when they begin with a number (
Javascript / Dojo Toolkit:
A list of all the options available for xhrPost/xhrGet ( Specifically, I used the sync option in order to block execution until the AJAX call returned. By the way, xhrPost and xhrGet are Dojo calls you use to issue a POST or GET, AJAX-style. AJAX is an asynchronous way of refreshing the page, parts of the page, or just to send information back to the server or get information from the server, without doing a full-fledged POST or GET, where the whole page gets refreshed (
The Dijit Editor, a fancy textarea for fancy input (
Dojo does not have a validating textarea. Instead, use the last post found at
Dojo.query, a useful function for getting DOM nodes (
The Dijit Layout ContentPane cannot execute javascript. To execute javascript within a ContentPane, either use the Dojox Layout ContentPane, or use dojo/method as the type in the script tag (
Loading the library one file at a time takes more time than loading the library as one big file. To build a custom dojo, so that it is one big file, with no comments, and other space-saving measures applied, see Specifically, minified means that variable names are replaced by shorter ones, and optimize contains other options for saving space.
Simple but impressive preloading overlay (
Server / Apache / Passenger / Capistrano:
Capistrano does not work with Rails 3, as far as I can tell. I tried following the guide, and could not get through the whole thing without errors. Instead, I switched to Passenger, which runs very well, and was easy to get up and running ( or (
Running a Rails application on Passenger, using a custom port (
Rails 3 / Authlogic:
I personally use Authlogic in conjunction with cancan, easy_roles, and declarative_authorization. There was a package which combined the first three (authcan_easyroller -, but it didn't work on Rails 3, for me. It had a whole lot of issues, also, and didn't seem to be very customizable. So, I installed the three gems separately.
The guide to walk through setting up Authlogic (
If you get a "No generator named ***** found" error when running rails generate, then add
gem "rails3-generators"
to your Gemfile and run
bundle install
bundle update
. (
If you get a "No credentials provided" error when running the application, add the following lines to the UserSession model:
def to_key
An alternative solution is to use the most up-to-date code, and not the outdated gem.
By default, Rails automatically pluralizes the table names in the database. To turn it off (, add
ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = false
to the config/environment.rb file.
To get a list of all the table names from the specified database in your application (found in database.yml), use the following command:
Funny post after solving the problem of creating a zip file using a gem in Ruby ( He put into words the feelings I had when I first started working with this language. Now, I've become one of "them".
Updated on March 14, 2011