My first serious relationship lasted almost three years. It was a wild three years of extreme emotions and experiences. All that came to an end when we decided to take things to the next level. Parents on both sides disapproved, and after having entertained some fairly absurd demands, I decided to settle. I walked away for the last time, exactly one year ago, with the firm conviction that despite all of our shared experiences and feelings, things were not meant to be.

When I came back home, I spent the year end holidays in eerie tranquility. I anticipated a whirlwind of emotions, but got a gentle breeze.

The first half of this year came and went without many notable events. At the beginning of this year, I proclaimed that I would get married this year, as can be seen in an earlier entry. I met a sister from church, and we went on a couple of dates before things fizzled out.

Then, towards the end of July, I met another sister, again introduced to me by the saints. After three months, we got married. I am not blind to the fact that this is a very expedited sequence of events, and were it up to me, I would've been more deliberate. But, everything just came together this way.

Consider this to be the update I had promised at the beginning of the year. I accomplished my new year's resolution, my goal. Who woulda thunk it.

Written on November 22, 2022
Updated on December 28, 2024. © Copyright 2025 David Chang. All Rights Reserved. Log in | Visitors